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Code of Conduct



To ensure that the library is a welcoming, inclusive, and safe place for everyone, this policy states the manner in which all of its users are expected to conduct themselves while on the premises, attending programs or accessing its physical and digital resources.

  1. SCOPE

All Library users are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with this policy. Library employees ensure compliance and will address any issues that may arise in a timely and professional manner.

  1. The Library abides by federal and provincial legislation, and local government bylaws which govern public conduct.

  1. The Library endeavours to provide a welcoming, inclusive, and safe environment for the enjoyment of the public and employees so that all persons may partake of the benefits of the Library.
  2. Registered service animals assisting individuals with disabilities and animals in approved library programming are welcome in the Library provided they are on a lead or under control at all times.
  3. Bicycles must be parked in the bicycle racks provided outside. They cannot be brought into the building or obstruct entranceways because of safety considerations.
  4. Library users shall use the authorized entrances to the facility. Emergency exits shall only be used in the event of an emergency.
  5. In the event of an emergency, Library users must comply with instructions given by employees.
  6. The Library is a scent-free environment.

  1. Library users and employees are expected to act with respect and consideration towards others, and to follow Library procedures.
  2. Library users must not behave in a manner that threatens, abuses, obstructs, or interferes with any other person’s comfort and use of the Library.
  3. Individuals may consume non-alcoholic beverages in covered containers and light snacks. Consumption of alcohol and illicit substances will not be tolerated in the Library.
  4. Individuals may not enter the Library and will be asked to leave the premises if their behaviour suggests impairment, or they are deemed to be disorderly/disruptive.
  5. Individuals may not panhandle, beg, canvas, solicit, distribute or post unauthorized material on Library property.
  6. Individuals using mobile phones or other devices must do so in a manner that minimizes disruption of others.
  7. Library users must abide by the Criminal Code of Canada, specifically Part V pertaining to sexual offences, public morals, and disorderly conduct; and Part VIII pertaining to offences against the person including hate propaganda.

  1. Sole responsibility for the control and safety of children in the Library rests with the parent or legal guardian.
  2. Young children should not be left unattended.
  3. The Library respects parental authority. It will not restrict materials or services available to children or youth, with the exception of videos rated Restricted, which cannot be loaned to those under the age of 18 in accordance with the Motion Picture Act.
  4. It is the prerogative of the parent or legal guardian to develop, interpret and apply their own code of acceptable conduct in their own families.

  1. Library users are responsible for all personal effects they bring into the Library.
  2. For the safety of everyone in the facility, the Library provides space where users can store bulky items during their visit.
  3. Unidentified items will be held by the Library for 30 days so that an individual has the ability to reclaim their personal effects.
  4. In the event an item is inadvertently left in the Library, employees will attempt to contact the owner.
  5. Items judged to be of value or containing personal information will be delivered to the police within 1 week.
  6. Disposal of unclaimed personal effects will be handled at the discretion of Library employees.

  1. Library users and employees are expected to treat library property, including collections, computers, furniture, equipment and facilities with respect and care to ensure that all people may enjoy equitable access to all resources.
  2. It is an offence under the Criminal Code of Canada to steal or vandalise Library property. To protect its property, the Library may use electronic security devices and if suspicious activity is witnessed, may request one’s bag be opened for inspection.

  1. Library users and employees are expected to abide by federal and provincial legislation when using Library resources to access and use intellectual content in any format.
  2. Library users are expected to abide by the provisions of the Canadian Copyright Act, the Public Library Copying License Agreement with Access Copyright and other intellectual property rights. All reproduction of material is the sole responsibility of the individual.

  1. Library employees are entrusted with the obligation to ensure that the Library’s policies are followed and will apply these policies in a fair, dignified and respectful manner.
  2. Library employees will advise users of appropriate conduct as required and state the consequences should the unacceptable behaviour continue or be repeated.
  3. Any person who violates Library policies risks suspension of privileges, exclusion from the Library, cost-recovery of damages and prosecution.
  4. In a situation where there is a threat, or a perceived threat, of abuse (physical or verbal) or bodily harm to another person, including employees, Library employees will contact the police.
  5. In a situation where there is a contravention, or perceived contravention, of federal or provincial legislation, Library employees will contact the police.